Wednesday, August 18, 2010


today. today was a different day. today i woke up at 2:47 am to the sound of pouring rain. today i walked ten blocks in semi-flooded streets with sheets of rain coming down to union station at 3:15 am. today i took my first amtrak train in the northeast corridor. today i jumped on a plane on a whim after booking my flight the night before. today i felt enveloped by the familiar green rolling hills as i landed home, ithaca home. today i played with beautiful baby phoenix. today i started a mission that may change my life. today i had a lovely takeout dinner with friends on their second-story porch. and today, (perhaps tommorrow), another baby takes its first breath. micah.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

i have no words

for the constant state of disarray that is my life since july. i have to be awake in less than five hours to walk to union station, catch a train, then a shuttle, then a plane. and then i'll be back in my happy place, away from the troubles of the district.

oh yeah. i moved to washington.