Thursday, August 14, 2008

Dani & Scotty: Coast to Coast

I cannot believe how much has happened in such a short period of time.

1) We take on Portugal and Barcelona and find them to be quite nice places to visit. Maybe live. Just kidding family.

2) Bump alert: Sarah. (for those of you who do not read Us Weekly, this means pregnant).

3) Become unemployed. Very bittersweet. Being a city planner (and for Fresno at that) was a great place to spend my time the last year and a half.

4) Pack up and leave California (most stressful experience, ever.)

5) See 12 states. Eat breakfast with Chris/Stew in Boulder. Decide that spending an extra $100 to stay in Chicago was worth every penny. LOVE Chicago. Stop at Notre Dame. And Cleveland, which is surprisingly nice. Wonder when the cornfields will stop. Realize they don't, as I saw some in New York.

6) Arrive in Ithaca, New York. Find out that our apartment really is an aquarium and we are the fish. Get library cards because it is next door to us! Eat dinner at Jimmy Johns which Yvette and Robyn first introduced me to in Clovis. Sit at Starbucks and write emails and this blog.

I'm so relieved we made it. It seems like now we can go on with our normal lives. Being in a car for 6 days was a little much, after everything else that has happened. But I think we're both ready for normal...whatever that means here. It's kind of funny, we know like 2 people in Ithaca (and both work in our apartments), and we ran into both of them walking around downtown tonight. I wonder if that is an indication of how things go around here.

Regarding the pictures....they will be coming!


McKencie said...

I'm glad you two made it safely. It's not the same here without you. I don't know how I'm going to do it. No more chocolate milk trips. =( Keep us posted.

Dawn said...

I am glad that you made it!

I miss you already!