has been a little busy. I completely forgot about the blog in the insanity of school.
But I'm back! I think the number one thing I am learning in graduate school is time management. Well, maybe not the first thing, but it's necessary for survival here...and I've been in survival mode for the past month.
Now that Scott is working full-time as a preschool teacher and part-time at the co-op grocery store, and everything in my classes is starting to snowball, we feel like we are always running around and trying to see each other for a little bit every day. Crazy!
But, life is good--before everything hit the fan we snuck in a little trip to Toronto and to Niagara Falls in September. Then last month I got to go to Washington, D.C for a class field trip for a few days. And in just over 3 weeks we will be flying home for Thanksgiving and Corey and Lissa's wedding! Time flies.
That's the update, more or less on our lives. We're still finding time to socialize--with our neighbors across the hallway in our apartment building and with friends of mine in the department. Everyone loves a good party here so we are struggling to find this little thing you might call balance. I'm hearing the motto at Cornell is 'work hard, play hard' and I find that to be very true.
On a weather note, fall is amazing and I will post pictures of the gloriousness around here, but it snowed last week!! Actual snow. It didn't really stick to the ground though, although it will soon.
I miss everyone dearly! Yesterday I was listening to Switchfoot, which always reminds me of California for some reason, and it really made me nostalgic for my old life. I really already feel like a different person, which is somewhat strange for both Scotty and I as we are trying to figure out our identity here in a new place where no one knew us before. It's a really awkward time that we are trying to navigate and although it is tumultuous we somehow are getting through each day.
But it all comes back to balance. Maybe someday we'll figure it out. For now we just have to get to Thanksgiving alive and not completely overworked.